Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I hate cereal

I hate cereal. For a number of reasons.

1. I need groceries

2. I despise when you open a new box of cereal and then the plastic bag inside is oh about a third full.

2-A. I feel ripped off. I bought a third of a box of cereal for full price.

2-B. As someone who likes the environment, if you're going to sell me a third of a box of cereal. Put it in a third of a box. For our trees and Al Gore's sake.

3. The plastic bag never rips open well. It's a hassle to open it. I'm already frustrated and, now I have to fight with a plastic bag a third filled with cereal. When it finally rips, it rips funny so that the cereal doesn't pour but instead gets clogged up in the opening. I'm alone, frustrated and hungry. I shake the box and the entire third of the box spills into the bowl and on the counter. Now I'm alone, frustrated, hungry and picking cereal up off of the floor...

damn cereal


Bob G. said...

ROFLMAO....been there done that (and watched the MISSUS do that all too many times)...!

That's something you don't want to fiddle with when you have arthritis...believe you me!

I'm pulling for you...we're all in this together!

Time to DEMOTE Cap'n Crunch....bust him back to PRIVATE (until he gets the plastic liner gig working as designed...not before)!

How's that?


Anonymous said...

OMG! You are KILLING me! Get a cereal keeper and open the DAMN bag with scissors! For pity sakes...keep bloging I am LOVING IT!

Anonymous said...

Remember when there was only Rice Crispies, Corn Flakes and Shredded Wheat? Then along came Cheerios and Wheaties with that Olympic Pole Vaulter on the back. What was his name? Now it takes me five minutes just to walk by all of the cereal brands. And you still would get more nutition eating the box.