Saturday, July 11, 2009


Aging gracefully is a journey. I don’t know how long it will last or if I will even remember the details, but I sure hope to enjoy the trip.

I try to have a good attitude because people don’t want to be around a grumpy old person.

I feel like I am a young woman trapped in an old woman’s body. I still feel young on the inside.

This old age thing just sorta snuck up on me. I don’t feel old. Just one day I woke up and I was old. Now I am not sure how that happened to me. I hope I am aging gracefully. I am trying to ignore the changes in my outward appearance. I am trying to focus on others and not about me. I am not always successful but I am trying.

I can laugh at myself now and not let little things ruin my day.

It is so easy to get apathetic about life and let the days slip away without living and loving with intention.

I hope I can stay young at heart and enjoy my life for a long time. Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out.

One day when my life flashes before my eyes I hope it is worth watching.


Anonymous said...

Your days are limited only in the number of hours in each; not by what you do with each hour. Live long and prosper.

Bob G. said...

We're not getting OLDER...we're just getting a lot LESS YOUNGER...LOL!
(oh, to have that 25 year old body back for a few days)

Truly, it's not about the TIME (that remains constant), but what WE DO WITH THAT TIME that matters.

I'm pullin' for 'ya, girl!
We're all in the same boat...just at different oars.